Thursday, 20 February 2014

Ramble #5

24HR Urine tests nearly done
Trying Amitriptyline Tablets 4x a day for pain got to give it 3 weeks
wants to hurry up.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Ramble #4

hoping to get to the Doctors pain killers doing nothing feel so tired with thump thump pain every day

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Ramble #3

Well another wasted Night pain pain pain
first of a 3 day urine night test done
onto the 3 day 24hr urine test.

Mrs not well another infection in her foot post amputation from 2013.
years on after meningitis nothing gets better what have we done ?
Give me strength.


Saturday, 15 February 2014

About Me.

Diary of Daily #Pain. 2013-2014

About Me. 
Name.Francis, Male 50+ 
History of Chronic Asthma, Arthritis, Gout. Long term Meds with these conditions. Non Smoker 20+ years, Occasional Drinker, Virtually stopped the last 3 months to try and help Conditions. 
(not helped)
(Family history of Gout, Arthritis,Hormone problems,Heart disease,Auto immune problems.)

Overview. PAIN It Started about 6 months ago out of the blue Sudden Chronic Joint Pain everywhere hands, fingers, elbows, spine, particularly my knees loss of mobility, Sense of shaking, Cant Sleep, Chronic Fatigue, Headaches, irritable, Red Legs like mild Sun Burn, Crushed chest feeling, Shortness of Breath,Some Body and Eye itching etc etc

Severe sweating at any time particularly when a change in temperature i.e.moving between rooms etc, Cramp, and Severe Twitching of my Muscles Leg Calf's, Ankles, and back of the hands.

Since this started I'm suffering More Pain and now have hair loss on my legs, arms and down my back

(All symptoms Seen by Doctors)

History - Meds

Had Various Blood tests. Full bloods
Blood count
Red White Cells
Uric Acid
Everything Normal levels

Had Knee Scans Normal
X-Rays Showed mild Digenerative Joint Disease in every joint
Ankles Knees Hands Elbows etc

Regular Medication, Allopurinol 400mg, Montelukast 10mg, Uniphyllin 400mg, Prednisolone & antibiotics,
Ipratropium Inhaler, Symbicort inhaler, Ventolin Inhaler, Ventolin Nebulas. Paracetamol
still taking the above medication

and at this time I'm taking
Dihydrocodeine 30mg 2 tablets 4x daily and Paracetamol 2 tablets 4x Daily
with no effect on the continuing pain

Also tried
Diclofenac 50mg, (Stopped not Suitable with my Asthma Medication)
Amitriptyline 10mg, Nefopam 30mg, Naproxen 500mg, Quinine 300mg, Colchicine 500mg,
Tramadol 50mg, Capsaicin 0.75% cream, Etoricoxib 90mg Baclofen 10mg, Duloxetine 30mg.

Nothing has helped at all.

Diary Of Daily Pain

Diary Of Daily Pain: About Me.  Diary Of Daily Pain, Chronic Pain, Arthritis, Gout, Sweating, Asthma, Hair Loss, Muscle Twitching,  Fatigue,

History #1.

Thinking Gout was playing up 
(Gout i present with Red legs some swelling Joint Pain)  
i Waited just a couple of weeks then Visited GP
i presented with Redness to the legs and pain some sweating
GP continue with Paracetamol Ibuprofen
given Colchicine 500mg and Blood taken to check uric acid
(Hair loss had not started at this time)

Ramble 1.

This is Driving me Mad lots of Tests to come ONE Day it will be diagnosed.

History #2

Back to Doctors. Bloods are in Uric acid levels normal.
meds Nefopam 30mg and Steroids to try and help reduce Pain inflammation.

Still in Pain this is crazy where has this joint pain come from

History #3

Back to GP Chronic Pain continues pain in my hands Spine Wrists,etc
Severe sweating sweat just running down my face arms chest.
Feel so tired and washed out using a walking stick now cant stand or walk

Noticed Leg Calf's Muscles are twitching as are my ankles
and the back of my hands between the thumb and index finger.
it could one of many conditions CMT Disease to ALS, BFS. Etc

Crushed chest feeling and the Red legs continues.

GP Orders loads of more blood tests Thyroid, Calcium etc and gives more meds.

Amitriptyline 10mg, Naproxen 500mg, Quinine 300mg, Tramadol 50mg, Capsaicin 0.75% cream
Nothing stops the Joint pain

 Referred to Hospital Various dept Rheumotology, Dermatology, Neuro,

(Meds can be given to stop the twitching and sweating but i dont want that i want to know thge cause first)

Ramble #2

Sunday up since 7am Well Another wasted night Chronic pain in the Knees tossing and turning all night might as well just get up.

History #4

The Journey Continues
after a few weeks i get to see Rheumatology
i give Doctor a full Med history GP Has sent good full reports results etc.
Doc says hes treating this as Gout,

Bloods are taken (Normal)
Scan of Knees (Normal)
X-Rays show degenerative joint disease in all joints

GOUT I'm not sure all bloods have shown normal uric acid levels.
Given Etoricoxib 90mg sent on my way.

See Gp
GP Not happy Gout ? uh Bloods say not.
so it continues.

History #5

3 months pass and i get to see Dermatology they have GP Reports and are sure its not a dermatology problem
(which we thought GP Wanted to be sure)

I Have an appointment in 2 weeks with Rheumatology Again.

by this time i have the same symptoms but im suffering more redness and Hair loss on my Legs R-Wrist and Back
Chronic Pain tried various pain killers 8 Tramadol 8 Paracetamol a day done nothing.
GP Notices Hair loss more bloods Hormone Vitamin B12 (Results Normal)
Had loads of bloods done over months now ALL NORMAL

Still waiting for Neuro appointment

History #6

Seen by a new Rheumatology Doctor
Doctor Had a good read of medical notes, GP Reports and studied Blood Results
This is not Gout

6 months on now
SEVERE Joint pain cant walk, red legs, severe sweating,Hair Loss, Muscles Twitching.
Headaches, Chronic Fatigue, and some family noticed i seem to be walking bow legged.

Doctor gives, Full Physical Medical
Sees the sweating, Twitching, Redness, Hair loss

Medical reveals Possible swelled Gland in Arm pit
(i cant feel any lump or had any pain in that area).
B.P Through the roof never had high B.P.
So more tests Doctors to see.
still waiting to see neuro
got to see Endocrinology
Have CT.? MRI.?
72 Hr Urine test
3 Night urine test
Nerve Tests.

taking usual meds and
Dihydrocodeine 30mg 2 tablets 4x daily and Paracetamol 2 tablets 4x Daily
nothing stops the joint pain .

it continues